Join the realm of KNARS. Lyricist, producer and film maker Martijn Holtslag smashes his frustrations into a turbulent cocktail of fierce vocals, aggressive synths, and disturbingly upfront music videos. The bold Dutchman takes inspiration from dance, rap and rave, but also from philosophy and spirituality, making you go from moshpits to meditation in a matter of seconds. Guided by a strong sense of justice and f-you attitude, KNARS brings solace to the cynical and an outlet to anyone.

In 2017, KNARS rose to fame in the underground side of the internet. Video clips like ‘Bad Trip’ and ‘Fuckup’ garnered hundreds of thousands of views and led to live performances at ADE, Paaspop and prime Dutch radio & TV. After a long slumber, KNARS now returns with a brand-new series that’s more explicit and introspective than anything he’s made before. Raw, unpretentious and in your face: Can you handle KNARS?

KNARS has been destroying festivals and venues in their home country (NL), gaining praising reviews. They gained international traction as well, touring in Hungary, Belgium, Czech and France and getting picked up by American, Russian and English music blogs. In 2019 they made their single “Push it To the Limit” into the Borderlands 3 gametrailer soundtrack, gaining 5 milion views. Only a year later another song got released in a Netflix movie. Producer/MC/frontman Martijn Holtslag gained some notoriety when, after being beaten up in public after a night out, he went on to shoot a video for the single ‘Fuckup,’ showing his injuries as a “middle finger to hate.”